Monday, April 11, 2011

Electric Guitar Pick

Guitarist use guitar pick to play guitar. A guitar pick is a plectrum used on stringed instruments. A pick is generally made from plastic, wood, metal, glass, and stone. Pick shaped in a triangle with two equal  rounded corners and the third corner rounded to a lesser extent. 

Playing guitar with a pick produces a bright sound compared with the fingertip. Picks offer a greater contrast in tone across different plucking locations. Brightness between plucking close to the bridge and close to the neck is much greater when using a pick compared to a fingertip.

Guitar picks vary to accommodate different playing styles and kinds of strings. Thinner plectra are more flexible and tend to offer a wider range of sounds, from soft to loud. Probably the most famous and easily recognizable name on a pick is the logo of Fender Guitars. Custom picks have become more popular over the last few decades. That is rare to find a famous artist who doesn't use a custom pick.

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