Electric guitar strings winding refers to the way the strings surface is finished. The way electric guitar strings are wrapped impacts playability and tone. Standard strings are round-wound, intending a round wire is wound around the strings core. Round-wound strings supply the most volume and tone, but as well bring about finger noise and are grabby. These strings might not be the best choice for fast runs, lead, or jazz work.
Electric guitar strings that are flat-wound or ribbon-wound (besides flatwound) use a ribbon-like wrapping to create a very smooth surface that closely feels oiled . These strings are very fast and develop no finger noise, but brilliance is sacrificed. This creates them an unpopular option for rock or rhythm guitar, for example, but a good option for jazz.
Electric bass guitars have two other options : ground-wound electric guitar strings and nylon-taped strings. Ground-wound strings are standard round-wound strings that undergo a machining outgrowth to refine the surface. Though not as smooth as flat wound strings, brilliance is preserved. Nylon-taped strings use a nylon or Polytetrafluoroethylene covering to smoothen the string 's surface while altering the tone to something more akin to an acoustical bass. This can be a decent outcome for jazz or bluegrass.